Monday, August 6, 2007

Star Wars + Lego = Star Wars Lego Universe

Darth. Luke Skywalker. Princess Leia. Chewbacca! Han Solo. C-3PO. R2-D2. X-wing Fighter. Last but not least, Obi-Wan Kenobi!! I admit... I'm partial to the classic Star Wars characters.

Ah, just writing these names make me want to re-watch all the Star Wars movies. Linette wrote about how much her son enjoys the Squidoo lens The Star Wars Lego Universe, and you know what, after checking out the lens, I may have to go out and get my own set of Star Wars Lego set (if I can make up my mind on one)!

1 comment:

Linette said...

Don't feel bad, my son has the same problem! He can browse for hours, and still not make a decision.